Registration: Click here to Register | or call (952)-944-2830
Price: Members: $12, Non-Members: $17
Business@Breakfast is a great opportunity for businesses that depend on referrals and one-on-one interaction to make meaningful and lasting connections.
Attendees should come prepared with a stack of 35-50 business cardsand a 30-45 second commercial about their business. We then hear from a featured 15-20 minute presenter. Arrive at 7:15 for 15 minutes of networking before we hear from each participant. The program will adjourn at 8:30, but attendees are welcome to continue to network afterward.
You MUST RSVP for EACH B@B you plan to attend no later than NOON the day prior to the event. Walk-ins will be billed an additional $5. Sign up through the link above or by calling (952) 944-2830. Breakfast is included in the price.
LOCATION: Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC (8050 W 78th St, Edina)
COST: $12 for members, $17 for non-members