Eatin’ Prairie Burger Battle

Join us in September for our second annual Eatin’ Prairie Burger Battle sponsored by First Western Bank & Trust!

Burger tasters (that’s you!) are encouraged to sample a variety of local restaurants and vote for your favorite. Choose from takeout and delivery options, enjoy a burger, then rate it to have your say in which restaurant is crowned champion at the end of the month!

You will assign up to five points in each of four categories for every featured burger they try. The burger with the highest average points at the conclusion of the battle will be declared the winner!

Get ready to vote on each burger by scanning the burger’s QR code, leading you to an online survey form from your mobile browser.

The categories include:

  • Presentation
  • Taste/Flavor
  • Creativity
  • Customer Service

Looking for an added challenge? Burger tasters who order and vote on all burgers in the competition will be added to the drawing for a chance to win giftcards from participating restaurants.

Take on the burger challenge! Post a photo of one of the participating burger contenders to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the restaurant name and the hashtag #EatinPrairie24 to be featured on EPC social media!

Check back in August to see participating restaurants!